Dance Teachers of the Year 2024, 16. 05. 2024 Městská knihovna v Praze


Final evening and announcement of the results of the 15th year of the festival

Participants are choreographers of dance companies, schools and clubs in the age category 6 - 15 years. The quality of dance education in the student age categories is of exceptional importance for our genre, therefore we must take exceptional care of these dance teachers.... and usually at the same time creators...... We also observe a number of problems, ambiguities and prejudices in this area that can only be eliminated by constant confrontation and discussion. We need to provide a space for these "meetings at work", to learn to have a professional and open dialogue, and also to protect together the fundamental qualities of the dance genre and its education from the negative influences of commerce and consumerism. We feel that the conservatory can (or must) create the necessary professional, production and social conditions for this.

The main objective is a comprehensive evaluation of the personality of the dance teacher and his/her professional approach to the artistic, pedagogical and social tasks of the profession: - preparing performers for performing arts work - creating an artistic work - staging an artistic work (direction, lighting, sound, costumes, set design) - presenting his/her own personality, his/her company and his/her choreographic work.

Dance Teachers of the Year 2024 was created with the support of:

Dance Teachers of the Year 2024 was created with the financial support of the Prague 1 Municipality.