30th Anniversary of DCP Conservatorie
Building and development of the Prague Dance Centre
Educational concept: 'conservatoire - gymnasium'
1/1961 artistic and methodological concept of "VUS Modern Dance Group" - founder, artistic director and choreographer František Pokorný: roots of TCP
9/1984 establishment of the modern dance headquarters of TC UK in the canteen of Charles University in Větrník
1990- 1995 dramaturgical cooperation with the National Theatre Ballet in Prague
3/1991 application for accreditation of the educational concept "Conservatory - Gymnasium" to the Ministry of Education
6/1994 appointment of the "Board of Trustees of TC UK" by the Rector of Charles University,
Professor Pavel Šmok - the first chairman of the Board of Trustees
7/1994 opening of the Summer Festivals and Workshops "Valtice 94"
9/1994 commencement of full-time studies at the Conservatory Dance Centre Prague
integrated with the Petřiny - South Primary School in Prague 6 according to the new educational
concept of "conservatoire - gymnasium"
10/1994 establishment of weekly regional camps - educational and cultural service in the regions
12/1994 establishment of the festival "Christmas Dance Scene"
8/1995 establishment of the TCP Foundation - professional and economic support for events and students of the Centre
9/1995 launch of the periodic study of dance pedagogy - a four-year programme within the
"further education of teaching staff"
11/1995 establishment of the International Dance Centre - student arts agency - production,
marketing, promotion and fundraising of TCP's above-standard events (cultural management)
8/1997 inclusion of the TCP Conservatory in the network of schools of the Ministry of Education with already studying 1st - 4th year
8/1999 change of the "Dance Theatre Prague" into a junior company of the TCP Conservatory:
"Ballet Prague Junior" (6th - 8th grade)
1998 - 2001 dramaturgical, production and economic assistance to the Prague Chamber Ballet
6/2002 first graduates and graduates of full-time studies of TCP - completion of the eight-year cycle
8/2002 start of cooperation with the International Visegrad Fund - Summer Dance Workshop
with representatives of Central European conservatories
9/2003 start of TCP full-time studies with a differentiated programme - "dance pedagogy"
1/2004 founding of the student ensemble "Baby Ballet Prague" (3rd - 5th year)
8/2005 new headquarters of TCP: school premises Žvahov in Prague 5
5/2010 founding of the Dance Teachers of the Year show - creators of children's works
6/2011 launch of the project "Invasion of dance in the regions" (availability of dance theatre)
3/2021 establishment of the House of Dance Art Prague in Pivovar Braník
9/2021 opening of the TCP Conservatory in Pivovar Braník
"representatives of the conservatory Dance Centre Prague waiting in Karmelitská Street for inclusion in the school network (1991 - 1997)"
"representatives of the conservatory Dance Centre Prague celebrate the opening of the first Dance Art Center in the Czech Republic (2021)"